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Master And Slave Boundaries In HFSS

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
i'm applying master and salve boundary in hfss but it gives error that:
acis error slave oreintation is not matching with master orientation although i had the same dimension of the wave guide on either sides.
secondly if it is possible that i can assign both master and slave on a waveguide that would be already applied a boundary conditions

Check to ensure that the axis vectors you drew on are properly oriented. A small misalignment too small to see can cause this error.

No, one of them would take priority, you can't have both simultaneously!

can you also let me know about something about the Frequency Vs Absorbance curve for my Designed Material how can i plot that in HFSS.

S11 vs frequency?

and also what about S21 vs frequency.

simply i want transmission and reflection vs frequency response for my design.

master and its corresponding slave should have same orientations in both u- and v-axis. while defining slave mention its master correctly and the orientation of u- and v- axis as same as that of master's.

I hope it will solve your problem.

create a definition for absorption in modal solution report by adding the expression for absorption in output variables.

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