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HFSS meshing problem

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:

while simulating an antenna design for resonating freq 5GHz the following error is displayed in message manage window.

"unexpected error encountered in the meshing process"
"Simulation completed with execution error on server"

could you please suggest me to solve the problem.

Thanking you,


check any objects are intersecting.

It means HFSS is not able to mesh the object it happens mostly when due to some Boolean operations model has infinity thin edges which makes meshing impossible in that region. The best way to check this is try to generate the mesh only instead of running the simulation and see if you get error? If mesh is generated just try to see if it is proper when I say proper it means if it is uniform across the object. It is always better to check the mesh before going for simulation.

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