RFID Coil design and Simulation
I need some design application notes for RFID coils. Can i simulate coil in ADS or HFSS etc. Is there any example available for ADS momentum. Is it possible to beam forming using coil arrays?
I need some design application notes for RFID coils. Can i simulate coil in ADS or HFSS etc. Is there any example available for ADS momentum. Is it possible to beam forming using coil arrays?
What RFID frequency band? UHF?
i want to use 390MHz.
What I have seen for UHF RFID readers are patch antennas.
EM simulation is possible and useful, planar simulation with ADS Momentum is a good starting point.
A former collegue designed this using CST:
why 390 MHz ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio-...identification
Freespace wavelength at 390 MHz is 77 cm. I guess you are talking about coils for near-field applications.
Both ADS Momentum and HFSS can help for the coil design, though the former should be faster and easier in this case.
Thanks for reply.
Yes i am talking about near field applications.