what is the higher limit of Dielectric Constant Er value sim
what is the higher limit of Dielectric Constant Er value simulation using Electromagnetic Simulator !
I am working on er>100 materials, for filter design using EM CAD...which vendor EM simulator is good for such applications?
I am working on er>100 materials, for filter design using EM CAD...which vendor EM simulator is good for such applications?
Hi, emguru:
How high Er an EM simulator can go is affected by many factors? Different algorithms have different limits on highest Er. Also, the implementation is also very critical.
For the IE3D from Zeland Software, Inc. where I am working on. We did validate it up to Er = 1000. You can give it a try to see whether it can solve your problem. You can download free evaluation license from www.zeland.com. Any question, please feel free to contact me at: jian@zeland.com. Thanks!
Best regards,