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How can I draw a virtual objects in hfss?

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone,

In hfss, I found virtual objects ofen used in mesh seeded. I am confused, they are perf-E boundary by default, they will make the results wrong, I guess.

does everyone encounter this problem? thanks in advance!


Think of virtual objects as a series of nested cubes (or other shapes) surrounding a feature where you want a particularly dense mesh. They are not boundaries as you surmised.


First, thanks for your kind reply. and I quite understand what you said, however, I also have a question here. I remember that if you donot assign any boundaries to the object, it will be assign perf-E boundary to it by default, isnot it?



If the object is entirely enclosed and not touching the background it will have the material conditions of the adjacent objects and that will not by default be perfect E. It may be that you are thinking of the background as defaulting to perfect E.

Hopefully my comments are making sense to you. All this is usually to cause the mesh to increase the density in selected areas.

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