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Radio Frequency and CPU frequency

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am always confused by Radio frequency 2.4GHz and CPU 2.4GHz.
What are they different ?
Radio frequency is analog signal , CPU is digital analog signal
Is it right ?

"Frequency" applies to any repetitive phenomenon. The RF signal has 2.4 billion sinewave cycles per second. The CPU clock has 2.4 billion pulses per second.

Every real-world digital signal is also an analog signal. It has measurable voltage, current, rise-time, fall-time, ringing, noise, etc.

Thanks for your answer.
I have another question ,
Is RF circuit equal to digital high-speed circuit ?



RF signal is normall narrow bandwidth. For an RF singnal of 2.4 GHz, the power is concentrated around 2.4 GHz. It is close to sinusoidal.

CPU clock signal is digital signal. Its base frequency is 2.4 GHz. However, its spectrum will cover from DC to some very high frequency. Its harmonics may go up to 10 GHz. Regards.

classic !!

i guess not, high speed signal and high frequency signals are not same thing

I think the CPU speed should be the correct word instead of frequncy. And it is the clock speed of 2.4 GHz.
Basic RF is a always sinusoidal...



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