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HFSS vs. Sonnet (known Problem?)

时间:03-25 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello, my Name is Thomas,
i am simulating circuit models through sonnet and hfss, and caught a problem i can not understand.
My results, which i get through the simulation process with sonnet are likely the real devices but my hfss simulation which were build with the exported dxf-files from sonnet (my model in hfss is the very same like this in sonnet) is frequency shifted around 250 MHz!!! and surpressed around 10 dB!!!. I don't know why, i have alternated nearly all possibilitys i know (initial mesh, common mesh, pointmesh, center frequency, frequency span, de-embedding, .....).
Does anybody know this problem, or even know how to eliminate it?

Thank you very much.

P.S.: Excuse my english, im a german student

Hell Tom,

Upload your Sonnet & HFSS project files here...It may be due to lot of factors apartfrom what you mentioned...
Again the results you get from sonnet are very reliable...even you can vary the mesh/cell size & you will see consistant converged results...As in most of the tools it will provide you different results with each variation...

Any way after seeing your setup, only we can provide you more details....


OK, problem. I am not able to post my files in order to our security guidelines.

But maybe you are able to help me with another problem. I have importet data from an dxf file and build up my model with variables. All good all fine, but hfss created me some polygons in my model which are not selectable and not listet in my objects or sheets listing. I have noticed that these polygons made capacities out of my vias because the have cut my vias on the top and the bottom but the have no hight. This is something i am not able to understand. I have checkt my DXF file for single points but there were no one. Maybe you know this bug, becaus some of my colleques have this problem too with other models.



try to export file from sonnet i GDII format *.gds and after import this file do hfss,
I'm doing in this way and have any promlems

上一篇:Plotting in matlab...

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