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How can I use ADS to realize the equivalent circuits?

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:

How can I use ADS to realize the equivalent circuits of a two-port device,such as a SAW filter,whose S-patameter and Y-parameter is known?

Appreciate any help you provide.


If you know its circuit topology, u can use ADS s-param
simulation & optimization to fit the value in the topology.

in ads schemtaic , inlibrary , select data items , library , and place the item which crosponds to the number of port , of ur S paramters , and then u can simulate ur netwotk

i have attached an example for a SAW filter and duplexer S paramters simulation


THe attachment you provided is a zap file.I don't know how to use it.

Just unarchieve it from ADS main menu.

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