hfss integration line
I am trying to simulate a rectangular waveguide and I am looking for a better understanding of the integration line especially under multi-mode condition. I searched HFSS help but it's not very clear. Any help would be appreciated.
I recommend that you contact one of the Ansoft application engineers with this question. Integration lines are often mode specific and as you are evaluating a multi-mode application the answer can get complex. It would be best to let them help you find a workable solution.
Rectangular guides are usually operated in their fundamental mode so your multi mode situation makes me reluctant to offer a suggestions.
You might want to lok into one of the waveguide specific handbooks. I like "Waveguide Handbook", Marcuvitz or an excellent (and old) "Principals and Applications of Waveguide Transmission", Southworth.
Thanks for the response Azulykit. I will call Ansoft for help. Fundamentally speaking though, if I excite a rectangular waveguide beyond the cutoff frequency of more than one mode, I expect those modes to transmit. I am trying to make the connection between how the integration line is related to a particular mode because practically speaking, I would take a signal generator at a frequency and launch into the waveguide.
Are you using a standard waveguide in the recommended frequency range? If that is the case you are probably exciting the fundamental mode.
What waveguide and frequency/bandwidth are you studing?
Yes, I am using WR-90 X-band waveguide where first transmit mode is TE10 (Cutoff 6.562) the second is TE20 (13.123) followed by TE01 (14.764). I am trying to understand how I need to set up integration line in HFSS such that when my input frequency is 15GHz, I should have all 3 modes transmitting . In reality I would be between 7-13Ghz so that I only have single mode.
Why not use WR-62 for 15 GHz?
You might also consider single or double ridged guides if you really need the bandwidth. Without knowing what you are trying to accomplish is is really pointless to make recommendations.