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3D radiation pattern and gain versus frequency plot

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:

before starting simulation in CST MWS we define different monitors for our desired quatities.
for example if we are interested in radiation pattern at 1.8ghz we define far field monitor at 1.8ghz and after simulation we can see the desired ratiation pattern

my question is it possible to extract the 3D radiation pattern at any other frequency after simulation has finished using post processing templates withour running the simulation again

my second question is how to plot the gain versus frequency plot using cst mws.
any help would be highly appreciated


No, u have to define monitor at desired frequency before u run simulation.
for ur 2nd question
1) u can get the gain directly from radiation pattern if u select the option of IEEEGain
2) U can also select the templete ( i think farfied and select gain at the desired angle)

hi snkhan

thanks for your reply.
regarding radiation pattern i think it would be very time consuming to find the 3d radiation pattern specially if one run the mesh adaptation scheme.
so i have to run the adaptation mesh scheme again if i am interested in radiation pattern at any other frequency

regarding your comments on gain, i am interested in a curve which gives gain against frequency so that i know how gain is varying with frequency.

while your are telling the gain at a particular frequecy which is shows at the bottom of radiation pattern

however many thanks for your comments


any one knows how to plot gain or efficiency versus frequency in cst mws for antenna simulation

I don't know if this will help but it is practical to plot gain vs angle vs frequency in HFSS. This creates a 3D isometric plot.

I recognise that your question was not about HFSS specifically. You can also accomplish a similar plot in matlab. In fact, you can go one more step and plot four parameters where one is color and the other three correspond to the i, j, and k axes. As I recall the command is plot3d and color is one of the additional parameters in the list of arguments that control the details of the plot.

Hopefully this did not stray too far from the intent of your question.

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