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radiation pattern in IE3D

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
i am finding it very difficult to relate the E-theta and E-phi in the patternview GUI with copolarisation and crosspolarisation. Can anyone help me

Hi jossion

I think you have to look at 2D pattern from the list choose the freq. and there look for E field @ 0° (copol) and then go to H field @ 90° for Xpol.

Hi, Jossion:

The definitions co-pol and cross-pol are kind of artificial. To define it, an antenna designer has to determine something before hand. As a general simulator, we would like not to define everything automatically. The users should try to interpret some paramters based upon what they need. It is as Plasma said, you need to check the 2D patterns and interpret some quantity as co-pol and some other quantity as cross-pol.

Best regards.

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