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eigen mode solver in cst

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
when we use eigen mode solver in CST what frequency should be used as maximum frequency?


I want to say 3 times of the lowest frequency. I think you need to specify how many modes you want to see (say 20).

hi phytech

thanks for your reply . but i dont understand ?
3 times of which lowest frequency your are talking about?
i have specified 3 modes as i am interested in them but how to decide the minimum and maximum frequency for the simulation


Even you are only interested in the lowest 3 modes, it's still better to specify more modes such as 20 to increase the accuracy of simulation but you can start with 3 or 5 to spped up the simulation. The best way to find the frequency is by trying. For combline structures, one would expect reentrance modes to show up in about 3 times the resonant frequency.

quote"Even you are only interested in the lowest 3 modes, it's still better to specify more modes such as 20 to increase the accuracy of simulation but you can start with 3 or 5 to spped up the simulation."

Can you explain to me why is that?

my question is still the same. whenever we model any structure in cst we specify the minimum and maximum frequency for the simulation

now if i want to use eigen mode solver to find the dispersion diagram of mushroom EBG structure , how can i choose the maximum frequency becasue i dont know the mode frequencies , and even the starting modes may have frequency of 60GHz

so how could i decide about the upper frequency limit before starting the simulation


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