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1D FDTD method for a TEM wave

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everyone!

For part of a university project I'm currently working on, I need to calculate the Ey and Hz field components of a TEM wave propagating in X direction through free air, a dielectric medium, and free air again. I know the finite-difference equations to be used for iteration, and I know the equations of the Gaussian pulse that is used to excite the system.

I need to produce plots of the field as a function of position for various time steps. I'm trying to implement the algorithm in C.

I have read sections on FDTD in various books I got from the library, but they only deal with theoretical matters.

So far, I setup 512 Yee cells, with corresponding values for free air and dielectric medium (cells 250 to 309 are dielectric). However, I'm stuck at this point and do not know what to do from here. Could someone please give me a pseudocode or verbal pointer regarding what should I be doing next (and how)?

Thanks for reading!


Few resources are attached. It includes some excerpts from Prof Schneider's course notes (Chapters 3 & 4) describing 1D FDTD & its implementation and the C code associated with these chapters. Different cases are handled here, like free space, dielectric, lossy material etc. This will definitely help you in finishing your assignment.

Best Regards

Thanks Jithesh,

I'll go through them now.

Much appreciated,

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