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How to express charge density in MoM method?

时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
I trying to write a numerical code based in the MoM. I have problem with
charge discritization. How can express the charge density when use palse basis
function for the current densities? any idea?

I think your current density should have a triangular
function form.But I can not assure it.You must describe the whole problem for me.If you want,
you can contact me through my email:


you are trying to model the current using pulse basis functions. This should give you a problem, that at the connection between the elements there is a step discontinuity in the current, which is modeled by line charge (in 2d) or point charge in 1d.

so what do you mean by being incapable of expressing the charge density (it would be a delta function) since div(J) = -i*w*p, where p is the charge density. You have a discontinuity in J, this would give a delta in p.

You may better use rooftop basis functions, as a_ronagh said. You won't have the problem of the current discontinuity.

Hope this will help
Best Regards,

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