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Multi Metallization Layer in ADS

时间:03-24 整理:3721RD 点击:

Does anyone know if in ADS Momentum it is possible to create and simulate a structure which consist of a metal layer structure on top of another metal layer structure without any substrate in between the two.

Thank You


No you can't create such a structure. You must use an artifice for simulate that you want.
- first solution is to use only one metallisation layer and calculate a "apparent" resistivity of the total structure with real resistivities and thicknesses of the 2 original layers. This manipulation isn't always possible (if layout are differents) and this approximation is good when layers are not very differents.
-Second solution is use a substrate between the 2 layers and make a perfect via along the contact, with a height equal to distance topM1/bottomM2. This method allows to keep the frequency-dependence of both conductors but has its limitations too...

Just use of substrate layer of Er=1, or maybe I don't understand the problem.


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