Need human head model for FDTD or FEM
has anyone some free segmented human head model for fdtd or fem?
The data format can be whatever...
best and thanks: ricy
Hi, try the following site
You can get .dat voxel human models from this page..........If you can open the .dat files please let me know how, because I've had some problem opening it but Im sure its due to my lack of knowledge in data formats..........
Hi aaron412,
many thanks!! You really helped me The file is easy to open. I used Matlab for
this purpose. Here is the code to read the head. If you encounter some problems please let me kow. Many thanks again!!
% ----------------------------------------------------
% dat2mat_.m 07-2005
% read 'zubal head' data format;
% and save as a 3d-matrix in *.mat file
% ----------------------------------------------------
fid=fopen('det_head_u2med.dat','r'); % read head
head_lin=fread(fid,'uint8'); % data_format= uint8
nx=256; ny=256; nz=128; % dimension matrix
head3d=zeros(nx,ny,nz); % increases speed!!!
for z=1:nz
for y=1:ny
for x=1:nx
head3d(x,y,z)=head_lin(i); % write in 3d matrix
figure % an example: view slice 80
hold on
save head3d.mat head3d %
% ----------------------------------------------------
Hello!! Do you know how can I convert these data into a format readable from an electromagnetic simulator?