set mesh frequcny
How can I set the mesh frequency ????
I try vaious mesh frequency the conslucions are different ...
why ?????????????
does anybody teach me ???????????
You can try to set the frequency toward the middle point of the bandwidth; anyway it is probably more convenient choose the frequency sligthly shifted to the upper side of the bandwidth.
In this program you should put mesh frequency higher than the upper bandwidth. That is the requirement. How high? The higher is teoretically better, but the calculation time increases. You can try also adaptive mesh to make program increase the mesh cells until there would be given difference between results of previous simulation and actual one, but it takes time also. Everything depends how much time are you going to spend on your simulation and how fast your computer is.
Dear sir:
My middle frequency is 5GHz.
Do I have to set my mesh frequency equal to 5GHz ???
I tried two mesh frequencies,5GHz and 20GHz.
The conclusion are not the same.
The most important is the simulation time.
Mesh frequency,5GHz,takes about 10 minutes.
Mesh frequency,20GHz,takes about 7 hours.
Do you have this experience ???
It's difficult to establish in advance the best compromise between accuracy and time simulation. As a rule of thumb, I think that it's possible to try the adaptive mesh function starting with a frequency sligtly higher than the middle to avoid long time simulation but having a medium accuracy as start.
When the difference between results of previous simulation and actual one is within a small value you have a simulation with a good accuracy.
In the specific case 20 GHz takes 7 hours and that limits the possibility of other simulations. Therefore I suggest to choose a lower frequency, for example 6 or 7 GHz, and then it's possible to set an adaptive mesh to see the convergence of the results with several simulations (probably 5, 6 or more).
If you have doubts about the results, it is possible to do an other adaptive mesh starting from the last simulation.
Hi myem,
Have you tried Momentum or IE3D? I think their speed is much faster than Ensemble. Of course, you need to compare the results for your final design.
Hi mesfet,
Do you have some experience in using Momentum and IE3D in comparisom to Ensemble? I have been using Ensemble and I found it quite accurate, but the others not. What is their accuracy in comparison to measurement?
I think the emsemble's solution is accurate and if we can modify the simulation model in HFSS and to solve it the solution is more accurate!I had set up a model in emsemble and HFSS,the HFSS's solution is more closed to the test results.