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green function ?

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
what is green function ? that momentum calc at the beging of em sim ?

green function for a EM fild problem like a delta fuction for linear system.I donot know which software can solve arbitary EM structure's green fuction.

I have noticed that Ansoft Ensemble is solving Green's function during the simulation.
It is a planar Method of Moment solver.
That is all I know. :?

Green function is the response of system to dirac impulse. I.e. wave equation in 3D has Green function of type exp(jkR)/R which represents spherical waves.
In moment method Green function (more complicated because of dielectric layers) is used to compute the impedance matrix [Z].

Equation [E]=[Z][J] is solved to get unknown current distribution J. E is given by boundary conditions of structure.

See Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics (CRC press) available at MCU or e-books section here.


Green's function is the potential field of delta function as the source. That's why you can also use the green's function to solve Helmholtz equation.

You may like to refer to dyadic Green function by Chen To Tai

Green's function is very important when you solve EM with MOM(method of moment), usually, it can be divided :scalar green's function and dadyic green's function, maybe you can read Prof. Tai's book: dadyic green's function in electromagnetic theory.

have fun!

is three e-book ver ?

ll about Green function in Chapter 3..


who has developed a code for the GREEN function Gxx and Gzx of HED in a layered substrate? can u share it?

I doubt there can be any software to solve Green's functions for arbitrary waveguiding structure. Life isn't that easy!

Green's Function is very important when you use I.E. , usually it is difficult to obtain except very simple situtation.

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