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What's the function of CST Particle Studio?

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:

I'm wondering, has anyone done any experimenting with the new software from CST called "Particle Studio"?

I'm wondering, does it have particle tracking features beyond those of EM Studio?

I'm thinking it doesn't make sense to introduce another software package to do what they could have done with EM Studio, unless the ultimate goal is to get rid of Mafia, which means they will probably incorporate a particle-in-cell solver into it as well.

It seems to me it would have made more sense to get rid of Mafia by adding a PIC capability to MWS and continuing to develop the tracking solver in EMS.



this software package made for high freq. for TWT
(traveling wave tube) EMS for low freq.

EMS have Electrostatics field solver,Magnetostatics field solver, Stationary current field solver,Low frequency field solver,Thermal Solver (available in Version 3)

PARTICLE STUDIO its fast and accurate design and analysis of 3D electron guns.


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