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Converting a non assigned model to pec in hfss 9.0

时间:03-23 整理:3721RD 点击:

I'm a new hfss 9 user and have a couple questions that I hope someone here can help me with:

1) I have a coupler layout from acad (dxf) that I?ve imported to hfss. The imported coupler comes into hfss model as a not assigned. How do I change the property of the coupler from not assigned to pec?

2) Could someone please email me (kvn17@yahoo.com) the tutorial/notes for hfss 9.0 or point me in the direction to download it? I do not have enough points to download from this forum.

Thank you in advance,

Just right click on the object and select change material, choose PEC.

Hi Matt,

I tried what you?d suggested, but this seems to work only with assigned models, ie pec, R4003... However with non assigned models, when selecting the object and right clicking, the assign material command is grayed out so I can not change the material. Not sure what I?m doing wrong.

you can add material, then you can specify the properties of the material as you want.

if your objects are 2D you can't assign any material to it. ( beacuse 2D structures aren't actual ) you must assign PEC in boundary condition menu to it.


KMPA is probably correct in that you have a 2D object. Either assign material property via boundary condition or sweep object to create a 3D object then assign as initially suggested.

check yours yahoo mail , i've sent hfss manual to you.
if you used DXF import of cource you have 2d model or set of FACEs, so you need add volume to model and transform it to the OBJECTs by "SWEEP ALONG VECTOR" function, applied to FACE.
only after that you can assign material properties to the each OBJECT.

Dear divan:
May I have a copy of your tutorial you metioned above? I am also very interested in it. Thank you for your help. My email address is

Thank you all for the helpful suggestions and manual. I will try these and let you know how it turns out.


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