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时间:03-22 整理:3721RD 点击:
Yes, Genesys is very fast in solver and optimization, ADS is very slow.

Eagleware is no good for highly nonlinear circuit...

For highly nonlinear circuit, I think only time domain method (spice) can handle it. Eagleware and mwoffice do have this at the moment.


Are you seen EDA Benchmark on ratrace mixer (nonlinear + EM sim.) on 32Ghz.

(edited version, see next two posts)

They both use harmonic Balance type distortion predictions. I am not sure if ADS also can use volterra series.

I thought the Volterra series was only for small distrortion?

Do you have this the right way around?

You are right. I did get them reversed. (Harmonic balance is usually good for high nonlinearities) There seems to be some shortcomings in the HB method. Someone a few weeks ago was asking advice about why his HB simulator predicted the wrong IMD products in his circuit relative to the measurements for low level signals. The Volterra series is very good for predicting IMD at low signal levels and is the basis for the classical IMD intercept point.

@ds also use harmonic balance. the good thing about @ds is that post processing, you can write your own equation as well. I also like data mangnment in @ds.

I was given the task of choosing/buying simulators at my company. I tried ADS, Micowave Office, and Eagleware. The basic package for ADS used to be much more expensive than the others, like $55k for a basic package versus $13k for Eagleware or $30k for MWOffice. Eventually the ADS folks lowered their prices to around $30k. But because ADS is so big, it depends on what you buy. Certain packages and features are quite costly, and we were asked to pay for "back-maintenance" on an old copy of series-IV. To explain, series IV was EESOF's flagship prouct before they got bought by Agilent and merged with MDS to form ADS. Now I think ADS is really very competitive. Eagleware seems like a puppy-dog next to ADS.

Eagleware ver 7,8 had a problem with Ground Pours. If the circuit were just a little bit complicated and not just a 1 transistor amp design, the software would connect parts of the ground copper to other circuit nodes in a random fashion in the PCB layout.

Eagleware gave a colleague of mine a whole stupid explanation why this happens and suggested to do the pours in little sections and then move that one away before doing the next and at the end move all the sections together! I never heard such a ridiculous excuse and fix in my time dealing with CAD packages. He tried to do it that way but gave it up in the end.

Sometimes very difficult to spot until it is too late. I gave up trying to do ground-fills with the package, only used it for simulation and the layout in something that worked!

Maybe someone can tell if they fixed this annoying bug in the ver 9.

e.a.g.l.e.w.a.r.e advaantage is ease to use,and so many s.y.n.these tools for first approximation.
@.D.S :too expensive,too much resouse requirment.

E.a.g.l.e.w.a.r.e has not yet released ver 9. Their current release is V2002.09 , but in reality it is a ver 8.x release.

eagleware is extremely easy to use, but is inaccurate. I once neede a hybrid coupler and simulated and optimized it with eagleware. than I verified it with ensemble, eagleware was about 300 MHz wrong at a center frequency of 5.1 GHz. thus for microwave structures as couplers and filters, be carefull!!

ads is rather difficult to learn. the manual has more of a encyclopedia serie than a manual. the best way to learn ads is by using the exemples of the software. starting from the exemple closest resembling your problem, will give you a solution the fastest way.


The 35ghz mixer goxy talks about made me try eagleware. I have no accuracy problems. And I think its the only one that puts em+linear+nonlinear together (like transistor inside EM). I saw the web site and they show big (7500 harmonics) example.

Now they have verion 2003, I think they don't have versions like 7 and 8 anymore. Anybody have 2003 or way to get?

i think the E/a/g/l/e/w/a/r/e is better for filter design.
i using 2003.3

There is nothing can do in Eagleware better than ADS .
Eagleware is for student better ,no more professionaly than ADS.
ADS2002 is also easy to do ,its has some template to simulate single parameter quickly.
If you want to simulate complex system parameter
you can create a method by some tools ,by eagleware you cannot do this .
One bad things is ADS2002 need a good machine if you want to simulate Layout.

The genesys run very fast than other EDA tools.
So I buy it.

The genesys run very fast than other EDA tools.
So I buy it.
Now genesy also provide HB for system design ans MOT's ldmos model for porwer amplifier design.

I sugest to using it for RF design.

Another tool is ALPAC,also fast and slin.

I think ADS is very good for circuit design
also for passive design such as filter design~

ADS is the most powerful system design software, especially for phase noise influence on system design and circuit also.
the eagleware system pakage is still weak in managing with noise contribution.
For the instrumention , ADS has a great flexibility to read and write measurement instruments and to works with different file format such as SnP, CITi ,.....

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