archimedean spiral excel
how to create a planar Archimedean spiral geometry in HFSS and what port should i use to simulate it ? is there any tutorial on the same or similar kind(complex curves) of geometry building and simulation??
if u have some tutorial or example , plz share it...
with regards
how to create a planar Archimedean spiral geometry in HFSS and what port should i use to simulate it ? is there any tutorial on the same or similar kind(complex curves) of geometry building and simulation??
if u have some tutorial or example , plz share it...
with regards
You can use a Visual Basic script to create the geometry. Then you can make the equation-based geometry in Matlab or Excel and import it in.
I would strongly consider using a moment-method tool such as IE3D, Designer, or Sonnet if you are interesting in planar geometries. They will solve much faster since they don't have to mesh the entire problem space (only the conductor surfaces).