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VCS中仿真带RAM IP的设计时出现的问题

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:


  1. COMP_OPTS += -y /home/project_xu/ISE_lib/src/unisims
  2. COMP_OPTS += -y /home/project_xu/ISE_lib/src/XilinxCoreLib
  3. COMP_OPTS += -y /home/project_xu/ISE_lib/src/unimacro
  4. COMP_OPTS += -y /home/project_xu/ISE_lib/src/simprims
  5. COMP_OPTS += -y /home/project_xu/ISE_lib/src/uni9000
  6. COMP_OPTS += +incdir+/home/project_xu/ISE_lib/src
  7. COMP_OPTS += +libext+.v



  1. Chronologic VCS simulator copyright 1991-2013
  2. Contains Synopsys proprietary information.
  3. Compiler version H-2013.06_Full64; Runtime version H-2013.06_Full64;Jan9 08:41 2015
  4. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  5. UVM-1.1d.VCS
  6. (C) 2007-2013 Mentor Graphics Corporation
  7. (C) 2007-2013 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
  8. (C) 2006-2013 Synopsys, Inc.
  9. (C) 2011-2013 Cypress Semiconductor Corp.
  10. ----------------------------------------------------------------

  11. ***********IMPORTANT RELEASE NOTES************

  12. You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
  13. with `UVM_NO_DEPRECATED undefined.
  14. See http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=3313 for more details.

  15. You are using a version of the UVM library that has been compiled
  17. See http://www.eda.org/svdb/view.php?id=3770 for more details.

  18. (Specify +UVM_NO_RELNOTES to turn off this notice)

  19. Block Memory Generator CORE Generator module TOP.U_CFAI.u_line_buf0.inst.native_mem_module.blk_mem_gen_v7_3_inst is using a behavioral model for simulation which will not precisely model memory collision behavior.
  20. Block Memory Generator CORE Generator module TOP.U_CFAI.u_line_buf1.inst.native_mem_module.blk_mem_gen_v7_3_inst is using a behavioral model for simulation which will not precisely model memory collision behavior.
  21. Block Memory Generator CORE Generator module TOP.U_CFAI.u_line_buf2.inst.native_mem_module.blk_mem_gen_v7_3_inst is using a behavioral model for simulation which will not precisely model memory collision behavior.
  22. Block Memory Generator CORE Generator module TOP.U_CFAI.u_line_buf3.inst.native_mem_module.blk_mem_gen_v7_3_inst is using a behavioral model for simulation which will not precisely model memory collision behavior.


然后尝试了带乘法器IP的DUT,仿真没有问题,在网上看到有人说ISE自带的IP生成的Block Ram是不能被VCS编译的,请问各位这可能是哪里出问题了?急~急~急~


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