EPS libgen遇见的问题
请教大家一个问题,小的目前用的是global foundry 40的工艺,在EPS flow的时候在做libgen的时候,DCAP cell的电容总是提取不出来。
lz是在做stdcell的pgv吗,最近刚看这块,有些地方不明白的。工具抽每个stdcell的pgv,但为什么会特意设置filler cell,和decap cell的pgv,这俩个抽出来干嘛用的,麻烦详细讲一下pgv的包含大概哪些东西,谢谢
-decap_cells cell_name_list
Specifies the names of cells that have explicit decoupling
capacitance for use in decap optimization. These cells
are nearly equivalent to feedthrough cells, except that
there is typically an active device between the power and
ground nets to provide extra decoupling capacitance.
Power-grid view library generation uses this list of cells to
ensure that a capacitance value is associated with each
cell. If no capacitance is associated with a cell, a warning
message will be issued.
In the accuratemode, you can specify decap cells for
standard cells (set_power_library_mode -accuracy accurate -celltype stdcells).
-filler_cells cell_name_list
List the names of the filler or feedthrough cells that have
no GDS data. These cells can be swapped out for
decaps during decap optimization.
In the fastmode, you can specify filler cells for all cell
types (set_power_library_mode -accuracy
fast -celltype allcells).
In the accuratemode, you can specify filler cells for
standard cells and I/O’s (set_power_library_mode
-accuracy accurate -celltype stdcellsOR
set_power_library_mode -accuracy accurate
-celltype ios).
主要是存储dcap的值吧,在做dynamic ir-drop分析的时候有用的,
还在学习EPS 的flow额
加载对应的cell ,比如FILLERC* , 全字符匹配,确认你的 lib 全