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Astro中design setup/启动Floorplan时failing to get unit's CellID

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
如题,Astro中design setup/启动Floorplan时failing to get unit's CellID求高人解答呀!

std cell库有问题,tar解压不要在windos下,要在linux系统下解压

是 unitTile:1 这种单元的问题吧,
:1 是milkway的版本号,就是这样命名的

ERROR: Fail to Run Floorplanner Due to Failing to Get Unit's CellId



I'm trying to floorplan an I/O ring. The following processes work fine,

with no errors: reading Verilog into Astro, expanding the netlist, binding

the netlist, and then defining the power pads and nets.

However, when I open the cell view that is created and run the axgPlanner

command, I get the following error message:


Fatal/Error Messages:

Fail to run Floorplanner due to failing to get unit's CellId!

Cannot perform requested operation.


Why do I get this error message? How do I resolve the problem?


The error message indicates that the floorplanner is unable to read the

unitTile cell. This is because the unitTile cell is missing or its place

and route boundary (PR boundary) does not exist.

For information about creating the place and route boundary, see the Milkyway

Environment Data Preparation User Guide.

你好,我也遇到了相同的问题,现在已经解决了,应该是你的ref lib没有在linux下解压缩,在windows下面解压后拷到linux就会出现这个错误- -血的教训,我也头疼了半天才搞定


楼上各位都是正解,简单的说就是没解压成功,办法就是把库再解压一遍。of course要在linux下解压哦亲~


thanksalot !

明白了,好东西 啊



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