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iccompiler 遇到的問題~請問這有高手嗎

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
進行CTS 出現
warning: Design 'chip' has '2' unresolved reference. for more detailed information use "link" command UDI-341
CTS UnSuccessful, Aborting clock_opt
Warning ICC has suggestions for improving your design. use "report_suggestions" for details PSYN-1067
執行 report_suggestions

MSG ID incidents override code Message
PSYN-107251633749524scan chains no in scandef detected during initial placement this can hurt
clock speed and routability of your design because placement considers
scan nets to be just like any other net.
suggestion: make a scandef file and note all register
PDYHN-1096128023782scan chains no in scandef detected during initial placement this can hurt
clock speed and routability of your design because placement considers
scan nets to be just like any other net.
suggestion: make a scandef file and note all register


ignore,scan chain reorder相关,没啥看的,

ICC 是否一定需要進行scan chain 也就是要讀scandef , file 呢?

如果有scandef,在placement 阶段可以选择reorder或者不reorder,如果无scandef,那在place时ignore reorder就行

不是必须的, 不想做也行

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