首页 > 研发问答 > 微电子和IC设计 > IC后端设计交流 > 本人新手,在自学ICC2010 lab新建库 出现以下警告,请问怎么回事?谢谢!

本人新手,在自学ICC2010 lab新建库 出现以下警告,请问怎么回事?谢谢!

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
本人新手,在自学ICC2010 lab新建库 出现以下警告,请问怎么回事,如何解决?谢谢!
Warning: Layer 'METAL' has rounded fat table thresholds '(0, 0.3, 1.76, 10)'. (line 456) (TFCHK-055)
Warning: Layer 'METAL' has a pitch 0.41 that does not match the recommended wire-to-via pitch 0.66. (TFCHK-049)
Warning: Layer 'METAL3' has a pitch 0.41 that does not match the doubled pitch 0.82 or tripled pitch 1.23. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: Layer 'METAL4' has a pitch 0.515 that does not match the doubled pitch 0.82 or tripled pitch 1.23. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: Layer 'METAL5' has a pitch 0.81 that does not match the doubled pitch 0.82 or tripled pitch 1.23. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: Layer 'METAL6' has a pitch 0.97 that does not match the doubled pitch 1.03 or tripled pitch 1.545. (TFCHK-050)
Warning: CapModel sections are missing. Capacitance models should be loaded with a TLU+ file later. (TFCHK-084)

新手 求大神帮忙解答

你可以man一下,tf 里面的,只是 warning 而已,可以不管

谢谢回复,那是不是在ICC操作中所产生的所有 warning 都可以不管?


那就是说每个warning 还是得看下,分析下原因才行?

但是還是要去看是否嚴重,或再作幾次global route可解決,
如不行那只有一個辦法,用手工去壁開pitch rule


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