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STA过程中 SDF-036 warning

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
Warning: The sum of the setup and hold values in the cell 'inst_top/inst_module/x_buf_reg_6_' for the arc between pins 'CP' and 'D' is negative, which is not allowed. To make it positive, the minimum hold value has been adjusted from -0.403546 to -0.253592.(SDF-036)
Warning: The sum of the setup and hold values in the cell 'inst_top/inst_module/x_buf_reg_6_' for the arc between pins 'CP' and 'ENN' is negative, which is not allowed. To make it positive, the minimum hold value has been adjusted from -0.810711 to -0.269886.(SDF-036)
Warning: The sum of the setup and hold values in the cell 'inst_top/inst_module/x_buf_reg_6_' for the arc between pins 'CP' and 'ENN' is negative, which is not allowed. To make it positive, the minimum hold value has been adjusted from -1.204120 to -0.392578.(SDF-036)
SDF-036 (warning) The sum of the %s values in the cell ’%s’ for
the arc between pins ’%s’ and ’%s’ is negative, which is not
allowed. To make it positive, the %s value has been adjusted
from %f to %f.
This warning message occurs when the sum of the setup and hold values is negative
for a given arc. Note that negative values for either the setup time or hold time
are allowed; however, their sum must always be greater than 0.
This is a warning message only. No action is required because the %s time has been
automatically adjusted to give a positive sum for the setup and hold times.

这个没有办法吧,谁要 sdf是这个样子呢,
sdf可以允许负的value, 也可以是0值,
如果不放心的话, 用pt SPEF flow看看吧



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