请教astro scripts的问题
1. TDF file中的内容如下:
pin "x" 16 0.6 0.6 "top" 0 1350.00
2. 我在scripts里看到有如下指令:
load “.../chrt035_ant.cmd”
在run astro,执行script时,提示load command error.
;;Author:Yu Chen
;;@(#) Astro command file for antenna rule setting for Chartered 0.35U LOGIC
;;@(#) Revision1.0.1.0
;;@(#) Date17-Nov-04
;; Copyright (c) 2004 Synopsys, Inc.All Rights Reserved
;; This information is provided pursuant to a license agreement that grants
;; limited rights of access/use and requires that the information be treated as
;; confidential.
;; Foundry Document Reference : YI-108-DR001 Rev 1J
;; Foundry Document Title: Chartered 0.13um LOGIC/MIXED SIGNAL/RF Technology Design Rules
;; RevisionDateWhoWhat
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Rev. version based on Chartered 0.35um Logic DRM
;;Usage : type (load "chrt035_ant.cmd") in the Astro/Apollo window to store the
;;advanced Antenna rule definitions.
;; dbDefineAntennaRule libId mode diodeMode defaultMetalRatio defaultCutRatio
;;1 : top area based, ignore all lower-layer segments
;;2 : top area based, include lower-layer segments to the input pins
;;3 : top area based, include all lower-layer segments
;;4 : sidewall area based, ignore all lower-layer segments
;;5 : sidewall area based, include lower-layer segments to the input
;;6 : sidewall area based, include all lower-layer segments
;;diodeMode (outputPin)
;;0 : output pin cannot protect antenna
;;1 : any diode can provide unlimited protection
;;2 : diode protection is limited. If more than 1 diode are connected,
;;the largest value of max-antenna-ratio of all diodes will be used.
;;3 : diode protection is limited. If more than 1 diode are connected,
;;the sum of max-antenna-ratio of all diodes will be used.
;;4 : diode protection is limited. If more than 1 diode are connected,
;;the sum of all diode-protection value of all diodes will be used
;;to compute max-antenna-ratio.
;; dbAddAntennaLayerRule libId mode "layer" layerMaxRatio '(v0 v1 v2 v3)
;;max. antenna ratio with no diode protection
;;(dp > v0) ? ((dp + v1 ) * v2 + v3) : layerMaxRatio
;;max. antenna ratio with (diode protection == dp)
;; Notes
;; -----
;; 1-You would set either Advanced Rules in HPO form, or set
;;(axSetIntParam "droute" "doAntennaConx" 4)
;;during the Astro session to use those advanced antenna rules definition.
;;There is no need then to use droute parameters maxAntennaRatio and maxCutAntennaRatio.
define _libId (dbGetCurrentLibId)
dbClearLibAntennaRules _libId
dbDefineAntennaRule _libId 1 1 150 0
请问应该怎样修改script,才可以正确执行load “.../chrt035_ant.cmd”的操作?
[ANS1]"16" means the layer number which is defined in Astro techfile.[ANS2] you should open the library first and then use scheme command mode "load./your_antenna_file"
hope it is useful.
对于load指令的问题,我今天试着将script里的command : load "../chrt035_ant.cmd"修改成load_scheme "../chrt035_ant.cmd"
"16" means the layer number which is defined in Astro techfile
TDF file是需要自己编写的么?又是根据什么来确定TDF file里pin的各个参数设定呢?
[Ans1] Yes. If you are in Tcl mode , using "load_scheme"as instead.[Ans2] The TDF file is based on real design condition to define the pins' location.
我知道TDF file的编写是需要根据design的具体要求。
那现在我尝试的只是做一个core的floorplan,没有对pin的location 方面的要求.
在目前这种design本身没有具体要求的情况下,TDF file中pin的layernumber & 其他参数的设定是否有具体的限制?
It is not necessary to make TDF file if the pins' location is not important.
Astro will automatically create that.
And then you can get a file by using "PostPlace -> Dump Placement-> by typeio"as a template for further settings....
As it. That's my answer for your issue.