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Can I change ICC tie cell instance naming?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
I using ICC command "connect_tie_cells" to do tie cell inserting for tie-off nets.But, the result for tie-cell instance name is not good.
ex.TIE0 \TIE0!U19( .O( \TIE0!U19_net ));
Can I specify the naming rule for those inserted tie cells?

my full command:
derive_pg_connection -power_net $MW_POWER_NET -ground_net $MW_GROUND_NET -tie
connect_tie_cells -tie_high_lib_cell $TIE_HIGH_CELL -tie_low_lib_cell $TIE_LOW_CELL \
-tie_high_port_name $TIE_HIGH_PORT \
-tie_low_port_name$TIE_LOW_PORT \
-max_fanout 5 \
-max_wirelength 20\
-objects [get_cells"spares_icc*" ] \
-obj_type cell_inst\
-incremental true

PS. the command "connect_tie_cells" seems doesn't work for "ANTENNA" cell.
IS it true?
or my above command has something wrong?

change_names -rules verilog -hierbefore write_verilog out ,
connect_tie_cells has no relations with antenna cells,

实在不行,用set_name 吧,可以改instance name的

Hi icfbicfb,
Thank you, the command "change_names" is work.


RE: Can I change ICC tie cell instance naming? (已解決)

The problem has solution as above.


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