在settings->simulation设置modelsim[verilog],Run gate-level...选中
Error: Can't launch the ModelSim software -- the path to the location of the executables for the ModelSim software not specified.
回复 #1 jtjtjt137 的帖子
In Assignment->EDA tools settings: Here are from the help doc.
ModelSim PE/SE Design Flow:
The following steps describe the typical functional and timing simulation flow with the ModelSim PE or SE (non-OEM) software:
Set Up the ModelSim Working Environment
Set Up a Project with the ModelSim Software
Perform a Functional Simulation with the ModelSim Software
Compile Libraries and Design Files with the ModelSim Software
Perform a Timing Simulation with the ModelSim Software
Locate Signals to Source with the ModelSim Software
You can also run the ModelSim PE/SE software automatically from within the Quartus II software using the NativeLink feature.
回复 #4 jrzhang 的帖子
To run an EDA design entry/synthesis, simulation, or timing analysis tool automatically from the Quartus II software using the NativeLink feature, you must add the following environment variables for the directory path of the appropriate EDA tool by typing the following command at the command prompt:
path = <Modelsim-Altera installation directory>/win32