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Is that possible to Decompile Modelsim compiled library to get the RTL(VHDL)?

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have lost the original RTL written in VHDL and It seems that NCverilog can do it. I dont know if Modelsim can do it or not, any idea?

Is that possible to Decompile Modelsim compiled library to get the RTL(VHDL)?
没有试过,不过估计挺难,即使能做,反编译回来的rtl code应该也不会和当初写的一样了。

Is that possible to Decompile Modelsim compiled library to get the RTL(VHDL)?
Thanks for the reply. I also have another similar question:
I have a Modelsim compiled technology libraries under a directory.
But unfortunately the _info file is deleted(all the *.dat and *.asm files are still available), the original technology library source files are not available either, I dont know if there is a way to recover or reconstruct the _info file or the orginal libraries.

Is that possible to Decompile Modelsim compiled library to get the RTL(VHDL)?
what is AHDL to Modelsim is what is Genesys to ADS.

Is that possible to Decompile Modelsim compiled library to get the RTL(VHDL)?

下一篇:VHDL & Verilog HDL ?

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