你好:请问我的cc8531配置外部控制模式时,开机SYS_RESET() 后发送CMD_REQ(0x1C, 1, 5) (开启电源)的同时miso 的16位状态值为0x0000,cc8531没有反应led状态灯也不亮是怎么回事呢。接口肯定没有问题 谢谢
1. Download and extract the zip.
2. Open the PurePath Wireless Configurator (downloadable from here:, and open the project CC85XXDK Preloaded Demo (available from Start Page).
3. Flash one CC85xx device with the master device configuraton as is.
4. Flash one CC85xx device with the slave device configuraton with the following modifications:
- Select host-controlled operation.
- In the IO mapping panel set the "External host interface interrupt" pin to GIO3.
5. Connect the MSP430F5438 Experimenter Board to the slave Audio EB like shown in EHIF_Connection_MSP430.pdf (included in the zip).
6. Program the MSP430F5438 either by debugging in IAR or flash it using the SmartRF Flash Programmer.
Feel free to ask if anything is unclear. Enjoy!