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CC1101 如何实现CSMA/CA机制

时间:12-23 整理:3721RD 点击:
各位大神 如题,我现在希望用cc1101来实现802.15.4规定的CSMA/CA算法,1101的硬件支持CCA机制,到获取到CCA结果,判定可以发送,需要延时一段时间才能发送,以防出现损坏其它节点的帧。 问题来了,ti有没有关于 “”延时的时间和竞争式总线,CSMA/CA""这方面的参考资料呢 谢啦

请问是什么应用?为啥不用 CC2530/CC2538 + CC2592的方案。 一定要 Sub-1GHz 来保证距离吗?可以用 CC1120 + MSP430 6LowPAN的方案。

主要是构建一个跳频星型网络,一个主节点,200个子节点,双向通信。zigbee +pa主要的限制是价格太高;1120+6lowpan学习成本高,暂时没时间研究。 现在主要就是实现一个listen before talk 的总线竞争机制

MSP430 + CC1120/CC1101可以实现调频(FHSS)星型网络。CSMA 一般是需要 MAC层去实现的,在应用层似乎也可以去做,但很可能相应速度有问题。


请参考CC1101 DATASHEET 的   28.2 Frequency Hopping and Multi-Channel Systems :http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/cc1101.pdf




View  ViewSimpliciTI Structure

SimpliciTI is a simple low-power RF network protocol aimed at small RF networks. Such networks typically contain battery operated devices which require long battery life, low data rate and low duty cycle and have a limited number of nodes talking directly to each other or through an access point or range extenders. Access point and range extenders are not required but provide extra functionality such as store and forward messages. With SimpliciTI the MCU resource requirements are minimal which results in the low system cost.

SimpliciTI was designed for easy implementation and deployment out-of-the-box on several TI RF platforms such as the MSP430 family of low-power MCUs and the CC1XXX/CC25XX/CC430 transceivers and SoCs. The sample applications run out-of-the-box on several hardware platforms:

  • SmartRF04 + CC2430EM Development Board
  • SmartRF05 + MSP430F2618 + CC2520EM Development Board
  • MSP430FG4618/F2013 Experimenter Board with CC1100EM, CC1101EM or CC2500EM
  • eZ430-RF2500 Development Tool
  • CC430 Wireless Development Tool
  • CC1110-CC1111DK and CC2510-CC2511DK

For more information on SimpliciTI™ please visit our SimpliciTI™ wiki page.

Check out the TI SmartRF Packet Sniffer for SimpliciTI below. The packet sniffer runs on a wide variety of capture devices and can visualize the radio traffic on air in real-time. This graphic shows an example of a live capture with the SmartRF Packet Sniffer.

  • Low power - A TI proprietary low-power network protocol
  • Flexible:
    • Direct device-to-device communication
    • Simple star with access point for store and forward to end device
    • Range extenders to increase range to 4 hops
  • Simple - Utilizes a 5 command API
  • Low data rate and low duty cycle
  • Ease-of-use
  • Application examples:
    • Alarm & security: occupancy sensors, light sensors, carbon monoxide sensors, glass-breakage detectors
    • Smoke detectors
    • Automatic meter reading: gas meters, water meters, e-meters
    • Active RF-ID applications


SimpliciTI is supplied as full source code and the supplied projects can be compiled using the CCS and IAR EW430 for MSP430 or EW8051 for 8051 SoCs. Evaluation versions of the IAR compilers can be downloaded from www.iar.com. Small applications can be built using the free evaluation version. Please contact your local IAR office for further details.

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