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BLE 128位UUID规定及使用

时间:12-22 整理:3721RD 点击:


All 16bit UUID is defined by SIG and proprietary Profile should using 128bit.

please refer to the details in the link below:



I am not sure exactly where on the Bluetooth LE spec stating thtat.

But I can found the following in section "3 Protocol Requirements" of the 4.0 Core Spec (which can be download from Bluetooth SIG)

"Applications shall not convert a 128-bit UUID to a 16-bit UUID for comparison as there is no guarantee that the 128-bit UUID is based on the Bluetooth Base

UUID; it could be a vendor defined 128-bit UUID. 16-bit UUIDs are assigned by the Bluetooth SIG and published in the Bluetooth

Assigned Numbers page."

So, 16bit UUID must be assigned by SIG.

Proprietary Profile should using 128bit UUID instead of 16bit UUID to aviod collision with standard profile.

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