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时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:

Adding HSPICE simInfo to your libraries
In order to run HSPICE within the Analog Design Environment, your simulation primitive libraries (such as analogLib) must have the necessary HSPICE simulator information. Use the following steps to update all libraries from which you are instantiating simulation primitives in your designs.
NOTE: This update utility updates recognized components with hspiceD simInfo. Most of the components in analogLib are recognized. If you have components that don't fit this category or don't have hspiceD simInfo, they will have to be updated manually in order to be netlisted. Moreover, the updater tool also adds HSPICE specific components with HSPICE simInfo like HSPICE Sparam model, PAT and Pesudo Ramdon BIT generator sources, etc.
1. Start icms and in the CIW, select Tools->HSPICE Library Update Utility.
   NOTE: If you don't have this item in the Tools pulldown, your .cdsinit file may not be properly updated.
2. In the Library combo box, select the name of the Library that you wish to update.
3. You can instruct the Library Update Utility to copy to one new path before updating. To do this, enable "Copy to New Path Before Updating" and specify the new library name. Your library will be copied to the new path and updates will be applied to the new library.
   NOTE: After copying to new path for updating, the 'analogLib' in cds.lib or lib.defs would be automatically updated with new path you specified.
   For example, before updating, your 'analogLib' in your cds.lib:
         DEFINE analogLib /remote/apps/ic61/linux/tools/dfII/cds/artist/analogLib
   after updating, it would be
         -- DEFINE analogLib /remote/apps/ic61/linux/tools/dfII/cds/artist/analogLib
         DEFINE analogLib /remote/home/zyx/newpath/analogLib
4. Click OK or Apply to run the Update Utility.
5. Check the CDS.log file for unrecognized cells. If any were encountered, you will see a message such as:
      Cell: nsoi not updated as its type was not recognized
You may need to manually update these cells. Contact your Synopsys support person for information as to how this is done.
6. Once the Library Update Utility has completed its run, you may continue to use icms or you may exit.

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