ynamic shapes out of date: 1 out of 10
Current fill mode : SMOOTH
Layer = LYR5_3.3V
State: No Etch Point on shape: (3700.00 810.00) Net: VDD3.3-2
“Updating dynamic shape (1 of 1) Vdd3.3-2, Boundary/Lyr5_3.3V @ (3700.00 810.00)”
SMOOTH一下试试,在setup-》drawing options的status里面点选SMOOTH后点updata to smooth
也不行。在做artwork时会弹出:Artwork output type(raster)doer not match the format used in dynamic shaper parameters .(vector)是什么问题?
ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 80.00 X 220.00 at (330.00 1120.00) Rotation: 0.217
ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 220.00 X 80.00 at (660.00 2210.00) Rotation: 0.217
ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 220.00 X 80.00 at (260.00 2210.00) Rotation: 0.217
ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 80.00 X 220.00 at (750.00 1040.00) Rotation: 0.217
ERROR: No aperture for RECTANGLE - 80.00 X 220.00 at (750.00 640.00) Rotation: 0.217
ERROR: Artwork can't use standard geometries to flash
these odd-rotated (not 0,90,270,180) pads. This
design requires the use of ROTATED APERTURES.
SMD80REC320 0.217
SMD80REC320 180.217
SMD80REC320 270.217
再请教个问题:就是点击create artwork会出现以上错误,不知道什么原因?