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安立捐赠VNA Master加州大学戴维斯分校工程学院

时间:02-22 来源:mwrf 点击:


摩根希尔,加利福尼亚-  安立宣布捐赠VNA Master MS2028B手持式矢量网络分析仪给加州大学戴维斯分校工程学院的戴维斯毫米波研究中心(DMRC)。 VNA Master的捐赠,增进了安立和加州大学戴维斯分校之间的友好关系,以及向学校承诺扩建其微波部门。


Morgan Hill, CA – For Immediate Release – Anritsu Company announces that it has donated a VNA Master MS2028B handheld vector network analyzer to the University California, Davis College of Engineering for use in the Davis Millimeter Wave Research Center (DMRC). The donation of the VNA Master is part of a growing relationship between Anritsu and UC Davis, as well as the school’s commitment to expand its microwave department.

“Our goal is to become a premier millimeter-wave research center nationally and internationally. Working with industry will help us achieve that goal,” said Greg Gibbs, director of corporate relations for the College of Engineering at UC Davis.

 “Anritsu has a long history of supporting colleges and universities globally. UC Davis has established itself as a preeminent institution in terms of engineering, particularly in preparing the next generation of RF, microwave and millimeter wave engineers. We are pleased to provide a VNA Master and anticipate expanding our relationship with UC Davis,” said Frank Tiernan, President of Anritsu Company.

VNA Master addresses complex cable and antenna measurement needs in the field with accurate, vector corrected 2-port magnitude, phase, and Distance-To-Fault measurements. It covers the 5 kHz to 20 GHz frequency band, which contains a wide variety of RF communications systems, as well as many radar and microwave communication systems, both coax and waveguide. With a typical measurement speed of 750 μsec per point, the VNA Master is ideally suited for tuning applications in the field. Using a 3-receiver architecture, VNA Master can measure all 4 S-parameters at once with a single connection to a Device Under Test (DUT).

About the Davis Millimeter Wave Research Center

The Davis Millimeter Wave Research Center is an industry-university cooperative research program. The DMRC is broadly focused on fostering millimeter wave technology for wireless communications, radar, sensing, and imaging systems. The activities in the DMRC involve devices, integrated circuits, components, packaging, subsystems and system implementation.


Anritsu Company (www.us.anritsu.com) 是 Anritsu Corporation 的美国子公司,后者是一家有着 110 多年历史的全球创新通信测试与测量解决方案供应商。Anritsu 提供面向现有及下一代有线与无线通信系统及运营商的解决方案。Anritsu 产品包括无线、光学、微波/射频 及数字仪器,以及用于研发、制造、安装及维护的运行支持系统。Anritsu 还提供用于通信产品及系统的高精度微波/射频元器件、光学器件及高速电子设备。Anritsu 在全球设有办事机构,拥有约 4000 名员工,其产品在 90 多个国家销售。

如需更多资讯请参阅 www.anritsu.com.

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