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[1]A J Viterbi. Spread Spectrum Communications: Myths And Realities[J]. IEEE Communications Magzine. 50th Anniversary Commemorative Issue,May 2002: 34~41.
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[16]D Porcino, W Hirt. Ultra-Wideband Radio Technology: Potentiao and Challenges Ahead[J]. IEEE Communications Magzine, July 2003:66~74.
[17]L J Cimini. Analysis and Simulation of a Digital Mobile Channel Using Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing[J]. IEEE Trans. Commun., 1985,33(7):665~675.
[18]S Hara, R Prasad. Overview Of Multicarrier CDMA[J]. IEEE Communications Magzine, December 1997:126~133.
[19]Lie-Liang Yang, L Hanzo. Multicarrier DS-CDMA: A Multiple Access Scheme for Ubiquitous Broadband Wireless Communications[J]. IEEE Communications Magzine, October 2003: 116~124.
[20]R Esmailzadeh, M Nakagawa, A Jones. TDD-CDMA For The 4TH Generation of Wireless Communications[J]. IEEE Wireless Communications, August 2003: 8~15.
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[22]Masaaki Fujii.Space-code Transmit Diversity for OFDM-CDM System[J].IEICE Trans. Commun.,2003, E86-B(12): 3468~3475.

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