Ygomi LLC builds and operates companies that deliver innovative software and services for essential business needs. Ygomi currently operates five information and communications technology companies which develop and commercialize leading-edge solutions in areas including technical support for multi-location enterprises, vehicle telematics, consumer applications using distributed call centers, wireless signal processing software, and retail point-of-sale software. Headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, Ygomi and its companies serve leading corporations around the world, with more than 1,900 employees across Europe, Asia and the U.S. 招聘职位
Delivery Engineer-DSP Software Delivery Engineer-Wireless Systems JD - System Integration Engineer JD (Sr) Systems Engineering JD Build-SCM Engineer JD DSP Engineer JD system software Engineer 有意以上职位者,请在简历中注明应聘职位名称,并将中英文简历发往 @eefocus.com">xiaoquan@eefocus.com
Ygomi LLC builds and operates companies that deliver innovative software and services for essential business needs. Ygomi currently operates five information and communications technology companies which develop and commercialize leading-edge solutions in areas including technical support for multi-location enterprises, vehicle telematics, consumer applications using distributed call centers, wireless signal processing software, and retail point-of-sale software. Headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois, Ygomi and its companies serve leading corporations around the world, with more than 1,900 employees across Europe, Asia and the U.S. 招聘职位
Delivery Engineer-DSP Software Delivery Engineer-Wireless Systems JD - System Integration Engineer JD (Sr) Systems Engineering JD Build-SCM Engineer JD DSP Engineer JD system software Engineer 有意以上职位者,请在简历中注明应聘职位名称,并将中英文简历发往 @eefocus.com">xiaoquan@eefocus.com
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