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时间:09-12 来源:互联网 点击:

rver 带的 ls, 比如把 /home/ftp/ 下的bin,etc,lib 三个目录拷贝到这个用户的根目录下, 并修改权限 (chown username.ftp *)。

注意:现在 Linux 下带的 ftp 无须拷贝这些文件,至少 Redhat6.1 是不需要拷贝的,所以就可以省去第四步。

23,Q:Why Can´t the Linux boot?

A:After installing the OpenLinux,it can´t boot. The screen display following:

INIT:Switching to runlevel:3

INIT:Sending progresses the TERM signal.

Then the computer halts. How can we do then?

Solution: You can remove some PnP hardware or stop some server (if you use redhat, you can stop or start some server program at the end of installation). try it. Good luky!

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