首页 > 硬件设计 > 模拟电路设计 > MAX1233/MAX1234触摸屏控制器入门


时间:03-17 来源:互联网 点击:
        1. T R KB
          Read raw keypad result
          0x8004 0x0000
          0x0040 = R3C2 key

          4.4) 从键盘中屏蔽单个按键


          表17. 按键命令序列:屏蔽单个按键
          DEMO1234 Command
          SPI data in
          T W GC 0000
          (C4,C3,C2,C1) x (R4,R3,R2,R1);
          GPIO outputs: none;
          GPIO inputs: none
          0x004f 0x0000
          T W KC bf00
          Wait for keypress;
          maximum debounce and hold times
          0x0041 0xbf00
          T W KM 0020
          Mask only R2C2 key
          0x0050 0x0020
          Press and release R1C1 (key "1")
          T R KB
          Read raw keypad result
          0x8004 0x0000
          0x0001 = R1C1 key
          T R K2
          Read masked keypad result
          0x8011 0x0000
          0x0001 = R1C1 key
          Press and release R2C2 (key "5")
          T R KB
          Read raw keypad result
          0x8004 0x0000
          0x0020 = R2C2 key
          T R K2
          Read masked keypad result
          0x8011 0x0000
          0x0000 = no key
          Press and release R3C2 (key "8")
          T R KB
          Read raw keypad result
          0x8004 0x0000
          0x0040 = R3C2 key
          T R K2
          Read masked keypad result
          0x8011 0x0000
          0x0040 = R3C2 key

          4.5) 从键盘中屏蔽一列


          表18. 按键命令序列:屏蔽键盘的一列
          DEMO1234 Command
          SPI data in
          T W GC 0000
          (C4,C3,C2,C1) x (R4,R3,R2,R1);
          GPIO outputs: none;
          GPIO inputs: none
          0x004f 0x0000
          T W KC bf00
          Wait for keypress;
          maximum debounce and hold times
          0x0041 0xbf00
          T W KK 2000
          Mask entire C2 column
          0x0051 0x2000
          Press and release R1C1 (key "1")
          T R KB
          Read raw keypad result
          0x8004 0x0000
          0x0001 = R1C1 key
          Press and release R2C2 (key "5")
          T R KB
          Read raw keypad result
          0x8004 0x0000
          (previous value)
          Press and release R3C2 (key "8")
          T R KB
          Read raw keypad result
          0x8004 0x0000
          (previous value)
          Press and release R2C3 (key "6")
          T R KB
          Read raw keypad result
          0x8004 0x0000
          0x0200 = R2C3 key

          5) 电源管理

          表19. 关断命令
          DEMO1234 Command
          SPI data in
          T W AC C000
          Power off ADC
          0x0040 0xc000
          T W AC 0300
          Power off internal reference
          0x0040 0x0300
          REF = not driven
          T W DC 8000
          Disable DAC
          0x0042 0x8000
          DACOUT = 0.0V
          T W KC C000
          Power off keypad
          0x0041 0xc000

          6) 菜单系统


          A) adjust timing parameters
          L) CmodLog... functions
          C) connect
          D) Debug Messages
          X) exit

          对C (连接)命令的响应
          Hardware supports optimized native SMBus commands.

          Board connected.

          Got board banner: Maxim MINIQUSB V01.05.41 >
          Firmware version is OK.
          (configured for SPI auto-CS 4-byte mode) (SCLK=2MHz) ...

          T) Test the device
          8) CmodP8Bus... functions
          A) adjust timing parameters
          L) CmodLog... functions
          P) CmodPin... functions
          S) CmodSpi... functions
          M) CmodSMBus... functions
          $) CmodCommStringWrite list of hex codes

          R) CmodBoardReset
          D) Disconnect

          R) Read register
          W) Write register
          M0) measure no measurement; configure reference
          M1) measure X,Y
          M2) measure X,Y,Z1,Z2
          M3) measure X
          M4) measure Y
          M5) measure Z1,Z2
          M6) measure BAT1/4
          M7) measure BAT2/4
          M8) measure AUX1
          M9) measure AUX2
          MA) measure TEMP1
          MB) measure BAT1/4,BAT2/4,AUX1,AUX2,TEMP1,TEMP2
          MC) measure TEMP1,TEMP2
          MD) no measurement; drive Y+,Y-
          ME) no measurement; drive X+,X-
          MF) no measurement; drive Y+,X-
          .) Exit this menu

          6.1) 寄存器读/写命令

          表20. 读取寄存器助记符
          DEMO1234 Command
          SPI data in
          T R A1
          Test Read AUX1 register
          0x8007 0x0000
          T R A2
          Test Read AUX2 register
          0x8008 0x0000
          T R AC
          Test Read ADC_control register
          0x8040 0x0000
          T R AX
          Test Read X register
          0x8000 0x0000
          T R AY
          Test Read Y register
          0x8001 0x0000
          T R AZ1
          Test Read Z1 register
          0x8002 0x0000
          T R AZ2
          Test Read Z2 register
          0x8003 0x0000
          T R B1
          Test Read BAT1 register
          0x8005 0x0000
          T R B2
          Test Read BAT2 register
          0x8006 0x0000
          T R DC
          Test Read DAC_control register
          0x8042 0x0000
          T R DD
          Test Read DAC_data register
          0x800b 0x0000
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