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时间:10-06 来源:cnbeta网站 点击:


说到无线电天线,大家第一时间想到的或许都是金属与电线。但如果说有人用水做出了天线,你信还是不信呢?2016年1月底,三菱电机(Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)向大家展示了通过将海水阵列喷到空气中来创建无线电收发天线的SeaAerial技术。这种设计据说是世界上首个能够接收数字地面电视广播的海水天线,适用于在海上或沿着海岸线部署。




另一方面,如果可以把水当做材料,就可以轻松泵出"日内瓦大喷泉"(Geneva's Jet d'Eau)这等规模的天线了。







[编译自:Gizmag , 来源:Mitsubishi]


Mitsubishi's SeaAerial turns fountains into antennae

Mitsubishi's SeaAeriel could be used to create a water aerial tens of meters high, as illustrated by Geneva's Jet d"eau (Credit: Shutterstock).

When someone mentions a radio aerial, it tends to conjure up a vision of something made of steel and wire. But what about one made of water? On Thursday, the Mitsubishi Electric Corporation unveiled its SeaAerial, which uses a column of seawater sprayed into the air to create a radio transceiver antenna. Designed for use at sea or along shorelines, it's billed as the world's first seawater antenna capable of receiving digital terrestrial broadcasts.

In our day to day lives, we're used to dealing with radio frequencies that are so short and relatively strong that the transceiver antennae on our devices are correspondingly tiny. However, as radio frequencies get longer and the signals become weaker, the antenna has to be longer as well.

This fact of life means that many radio installations require very large antennae that are expensive, time consuming to build, and far from portable. On the other hand, if an antenna could be made out of water, you could have an aerial the size of Geneva's Jet d'Eau in the time it takes to fire up the pump. When it came time to move the installation, it would simply a matter of switching off the water and moving the electronics to another location.

But why seawater and not garden variety fresh water? Contrary to popular belief, pure water is a very poor conductor of electricity. It's the mineral ions dissolved in it that actually carry current, so for practical purposes, seawater works best for making a watery antenna.

The point about the SeaAerial isn't that it's aquatic. This isn't the first seawater antenna – the US Navy has taken a keen interest in the idea in recent years, but so far it's been limited by the necessity of keeping the plume-spraying apparatus out of the water to prevent the circuit from grounding in the sea and killing the signal. Mitsubishi's innovation is an insulated

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