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Skylake处理器+Windows 10救PC于将倾?

时间:08-07 来源:3721RD 点击:

PC市场一直萎靡不振已经不是秘密了,今年预计PC市场出货量将下降8.7%。很多计算机制造商寄希望于微软新推出的Windows 10能解救危局,大家都把目光投向了多合一笔记本。这些PC结合了平板电脑的触摸屏、移动特性以及传统PC的键盘和处理能力。这也是英特尔第六代处理器为何如此重要的原因。英特尔成最新一代处理器特别为Windows 10操作系统优化。

It's no secret PC sales are in trouble. This year, PC shipments are expected to decline 8.7%. Many computer makers are looking to Microsoft's new release of Windows 10 to help turn things around, and much of their hope is in the growing all-in-one computer segment.

Those PCs combine the touchscreen and mobile features of a tablet with the keyboard and processing power of a traditional PC. And that's why the new sixth-generation Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) Core M processors are so important. Intel says the chips are the most versatile processors they've ever built, can run on a myriad of devices (including all-in-ones), and are specifically "optimized" for Windows 10.

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