SiRFatlasVI SoC全面分析
e provide solutions to complex problems in the audio-visual, connectivity and location technology domains across a broad range of markets, with a technology portfolio that includes GPS/GNSS systems, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, FM, NFC, aptX and CVC audio codecs, JPEG, MPEG, H.264 imaging, IPS printing, microcontrollers, DSPs and broadband receivers. CSR's technology solutions and market platforms enable its customers to deliver a superior user experience and are adopted by leaders in the auto, computer, home and mobile markets. More information can be found at Keep up to date with CSR on our blog, or follow us on Twitter at
SiRFatlasIV多功能定位系统处理器入门学习指南摘 要:SiRF Technology推出的SiRFatlasIV多功能定位系统处理器针对高量导航及定位感测产品开发设计,透过此款高效能定位引擎,加上比现有入门级 系统大上一倍的记忆体频宽,SiRFatlasIV平台不但将材料与整体系统成本压至最低,更可带给制造商顶尖的定位与多媒体效能。
SiRFatlasVI多功能应用处理器特点摘 要:SiRFatlasVI SoC与以前的SiRFatlasV芯片相比,在几乎相同的BOM成本下,CPU速度和图像处理能力分别是原来的3倍,多媒体性能则是原来的6倍。这些性 能的提升使驾驶员能够体验到更加流畅的用户界面、更丰富的地图信息,以及在导航的同时实现多媒体回放功能。
SiRFatlasVI开发指南摘要:The SiRFatlasVI integrates an ARM Cortex 9 CPU core, up to 1GHz and targets low-end and mid-range products.
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