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the mixer's ip3 in minicircuit datasheet means iip3 or oip3?

时间:04-06 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am newbie to Rf mixer. When I select a mixer from minicircuit, the datasheet informs the IM3 performance as 'ip3 at center band'. It's really confused for me. Because, I don't know the ip3 under this context means for iip3 or oip3. Does anyone know the definition?

Below is the link of mixer.

Thanks a lot!


for mixer, it always use IIP3.
You can compare it with HMC175MS8, which has IIP3 +18dBm.

Manufacturers like to use the largest number for IP3 and rarely specify whether it IIP3 or OIP3. So if the device has loss (like a passive mixer) they generally quote IIP3. If the device has gain, they usually quote OIP3.

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