What's the energy received by an open end cable with the inner conductor?
How can I realize the -85dBm output?
There is some tiny or minor clearence between the metal wall and the ground plane of the PCB. Is this clearence that ruins the isolation?
I have used the microwave absorption material, which did not work at all.
Would someone like to help me? Any reply is welcome.
I fear, there's no simple answer to the title question. You can have common mode ground plane waves, a shielding not completely enclosing the circuit can show resonances etc. It's difficult to achieve zero input/output coupling.
The problem can't be discussed without analyzing the exact circuit geometry, and the critical effects are not always obvious. It's a matter of RF engineering experience or "craftmanship".
As you did not say anything about your I/Q modulator, the situation is pretty typical in any mixer type. It is called LO/RF leakage. This is the reason we need to use a RF band-pass filter, to prevent the LO signal as well as IF input signal to appear in the RF output.
I understand the original post in the way, that the -70 dBm leakage is achieved with the board without a mixer in place. 75 dB LO suppression won't be bad for the mixer itself, I think.
In fact I have never seen a mixer with 75 dB suppression without filters