Measure high frequency up to 2GHz
Micro controller can't work on can use dividers in between to down convert the frequency to MCU working range..
Thank.I have use prescaler frequency IC.I use MC12079 but only divider 256 factor.I want divide down to measured frequency of microcontroller .what method you known ?
2GHz / 256 = 7.8MHz, which is within the range of many MCUs. There are plenty of projects online that show how to use a PIC to measure up to 50MHz. If your 256 prescaler is used it would allow measurement up to 12.8GHz.
My Project is measure a bandwidth frequency interval a time not a sigle frequency.And use FFT algorithm.Therefor i cảnt use couter to measure frequency.I want divider with factor higher than to work easy.Thanks!
Do Anyone know divider frequency from 2Ghz down to 1-2 Mhz ?
I think you can use the internal divider of an inexpensive PLL (f.i. ADF4116) or a DDS (f.i. AD9956)
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