Mangnetron Based Radar Down Converted Frequency Stability.
I need to know what is the frequency Stability required for the Down converted Data from a Magnetron Based RADAR for
Signal processing of the RADAR returns ,
Consider the following case.
9000 MHz Magnetron Output.
70MHz IF (Intermediate Frequency) signal after down-conversion and AFC correction.
What is the frequency Accuracy required for the 30MHz IF signal after AFC correction by the Local oscillator for proper signal processing ?
Signal processing of the RADAR returns ,
Consider the following case.
9000 MHz Magnetron Output.
70MHz IF (Intermediate Frequency) signal after down-conversion and AFC correction.
What is the frequency Accuracy required for the 30MHz IF signal after AFC correction by the Local oscillator for proper signal processing ?
Magnetrons in radar transmitters are known to have a poor frequency stability. Since WW II the solution is known. In rada receiver, you have to use the AFC circuit which tunes the local oscillator to actual transmitter frequency.
You do not indicate receiver IF bandwidth which should be designed to match the transmitted spectrum and the AFC pull-in bandwidth.
The real bandwidth then determines receiver noise floor, noise figure and radar range.
Read Skolnik : Radar Technology, written in ~1960. All answers are there.
Converted Mangnetron Stability 相关文章: