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Quarter wave monopole

时间:04-05 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi to all,
i am a beginner in this field and I'm trying to design a quarter wave monopole antenna, at 2 GHz and the VSWR is ok.
Now i want to measure the gain and radiation pattern of the same in azimuth and elevation (E plane & H plane).
Can someone tell me what all are the steps to be taken for simulating and generating reports for gain and radiation pattern.

Are you simulate this in CST / HFSS or something similar?

i am simulating in HFSS

Sorry i run CST. In CST you add the FARFIELD option and you see how the antenna radiate the gain directivity etc.... i think it would similar in HFSS

Thanks for your quick response. i am not familiar with CST. As i mentioned earlier, i am a beginner in this field. Attached a monopole design @ 2GHz (HFSS). Here, the elevation pattern is Ok. Now i want to know how we will measure the H Plane pattern (Omni Directional) / how we will generate the report of H Plane Pattern. In HFSS, i had added the far-field option for generating reports and some results seem good. Pls help me to measure/see the H plane Pattern and exact absolute gain figure. Also pls advise the steps to be followed to measure the same.

Your valuable suggestions requested....

Pls Help.....


Sorry my friend but i ruc CST ...maybe someone who knows about HFSS can reply to you i believe. Search more in the internet and you will find your answear.


Dear George,

Thanks for your advice. i got some links on it. little more things to be completed. i hope i can finish it by end of this week.

Once again thanks for your advises..... keep in touch and share your valuable commands in future too.......

Thanks & regards,


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